Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Power of Persistence in Quotes

       While doing my daily reading I came across a lot of different people stating the enormous importance of persistence and what it can do for your plans, problems, goals and dreams.  Some of these people most would regard as influential yet others have never heard of them, but they all share similar  things about the simple yet powerful habit of persistence.  I implore you to study these quotes; even these people to further your passion for excellence and improvement in your lives. 

1. "It's not that I'm so smart. It's just that I stay with problems longer." - Albert Einstein

2. "So long as there is breath in me, that long I will persist.  For that I know one of the greatest principles on success; if I persist long enough I will win." - Og Mandino

3. “Rain puts a hole in stone because of its constancy, not its force. Just keep knocking on doors until the right one opens”   - H. Joseph Gerber

4. “If you do not have persistence then no amount of education, talent or genius can make up for it.”  
- Stephen Richards

5. “It’s good to remember that success may be just beyond the next failure, and you’ll get there, not because you’re destined to, but because you’re determined to.”   - Steve Goodier

6. "With each failure comes a lesson to learn. To merely give up on failing would be detriment to your experiences and your intellect. - Tim Zugger

7. “You haven't failed until you stop trying.”- Jon Gordon

These quotes can help change your attitude on your habits and goals.  Maybe even help you accomplish something you never thought you could do.   Always remember you can do anything.  It just might take some time and persistent labor.  I'll leave you with this quote.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing correctly, ethically, and thoroughly." - Tim Zugger

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